‘Naihati New Life Society’ pursues to achieve Five Essential Programmatic Goals to ensure ‘Holistic Community Development with Social Justice, with a special focus on younger people’:

Raising and Developing ‘Collectives of Human Social Capitals’ with a special focus on younger people, beginning with early childhood development that builds ‘Healthy Youth’ being the catalysts of all development. For this we’ve two pronge strategies: Promoting formal education thrugh our centres at multiple locations; and Promoting ‘Education Without Boundary’ – (EWB), through innovative initiatives of taking ‘Education to the Community Door-steps’. The ‘EWB’ meant to educate, enlighten and empower particularly those who can no longer attain any formal school due to their age, culture and poverty for which they are caught up with their vicious cycle of poverty and injustices;

Developing ‘Resilent Communities’ against injustices, violence, sudden out-break of epidemics and natural disasters, by raising the ‘Ambassadors of Holistic Health Management’- (AHHM) and educating the community members using ‘Education Without Boundary’ – (EWB) that includes process of practicing holistic health at house-hold levels by children and youth including housewives, and prepare them well in advance. Forming ‘Citizens’ Parliaments’ – (CPAN) in all villages, as it largely helps in ensuring Intra-community Peace and social harmony…in strengthen democracy and good governance with accountability;

Alleviating ‘Inter-generational Poverty’ as hunger and ill-health can’t wait for another day, and it requires both need immediate intervention with long-term solutions. We promote entrepreneurship and skill developments to improve Local Economy (LED-SEDP) with alternative livelihood using local resources, and creatively engage local youth, create employment opportunities, essential to end unsafe economic migration,that ends up in human trafficking etc;

Ensuring ‘Food Security’ through Sustainable Agriculture with Water Governance without using toxic substance, process to reduce farm wastes, and improve quality with quantity, ensure fair price for agri-products, access to financial institutes, apart from Fisheries & Animal Husbandary as other major sources of proteins and income

Ensuring ‘Environmental Justice with Disaster Risk Reduction’ with a ‘Whole Community Approach’. Several measures have been taken beginning with school children and youth including housewives. We actively promote Micro-Forestry and Social Forestry especially planting and protecting the Mangroves within the River-bed essential to provide shelter for variety of fish breeding that improves local economy, maintain Coastal Ecology against cyclones, soil erosion leading to river flooding, apart from Fresh Water Governance for Sustainable Agri-practices including house-hold consumptions and raising livestock etc.