After having personally experienced the plights of thousands of homeless, naked, hunger and trafficked children, women and widows in the islands of Sundarbans, a renowned teacher and philanthropist Dr. Subrata Sarkar along with a few women of the region with a deep personal commitments to the community’s wellbeing came together on a shared vision with common goals and formed the ‘Association of Citizens’ and that’s how ‘Naihati New Life Society’ – (NNLS) was born, and was subsequently registered in the year 2009.
We’re a dedicated group of justice seeking grass-root level community developers, made- up of Teachers, Social Workers, Doctors and Scientists, strive for those who can’t rise up by themselves. The founders, board of directors and volunteers led by our deep personal commitments, serve as exemplary servants in spirit and in deed, to bring about a positive and lasting change, invest all our resources for the most underserved children, adolescents and youth especially widows and housewives who never had the opportunities for formal learning. We at Naihati New Life Society, work as ‘Catalysts to Mitigate the Factors’ causing exclusion, powerlessness and inter-generational poverty, and are committed to resolve much of the challenges locally by ourselves without recurrence external interventions.
Later on, motivated by the dedication and determination of our Founder Dr. S. Sarkar and all stake-holders, Dr. Arup Karali, a Social Scientist & Author of ‘Citizens’ Parliament’- (CPAN); ‘Holistic Health Management’ – (HHM); ‘Civic Education, Democracy and Good Governance…’ etc, has joined the team along with a group of experts essentially to raise ‘Character-driven Global Citizens’ and ensure the most desired health-care, education, livelihood and justice with good governance in some of the most challenging and neglected backward regions in South West Bengal in India.